
And that’s not all, as your trusted digital marketing partner, we like to take complete responsibility of each and everything that comes under the broad spectrum of this term. All you need to do is just sit back and focus on making your business more productive and leave your online presence and promotion to the experts.

We are Emarket network, your one stop solution for all your BRAND AND DOMAIN NAMES, DATA CLEAN UP AND REPAIR, IPS WARM UP, IPS TEST, FEEDBACK LOOP and DATA CLUSTERING needs.

About Us

We Do Marketing the Better Way

Yes many people out there say the same thing, but there’s a difference between saying and doing. You must visit our office once; you’ll know how true we stand to our words. There’s one more thing you’ll notice how diligent and yet relaxed we are. Marketing is a serious business and you need to add a touch of fun to it.

Who Work Smarter

If hard work was the key to success, a mule would rule the jungle. The times have changed and the world today calls for smart work. And that’s exactly what we believe in.

We like to hustle when needed

We don’t believe in endless meetings. It doesn’t take much to get the gist of your requirements. All we need to do is listen to you carefully, note down the questions we have in our mind, and ask them once you are done explaining. Chances are most of these questions getting answered without even having to put them forward. Being a good listener pays.

As we start moving towards preparing a game plan, or a project roadmap, we take as much obstacles into consideration as possible. When an unforeseen hurdle comes up, we just roll up our sleeves and deal with it as needed. Sometimes there’s a way out, and sometimes we create a way out.

We communicate

We have a firm belief in the power of communication. There’s hardly anything or any problem that effective communication can’t do or solve. We stay in regular touch with our clients to make sure they are getting what they desired. But mostly our calls are just to know what’s up, to know if there’s something they want to talk about over a beer.

A wise man once said, “Work is worship”. We just added the fun element to it.

Our Services


We all know what happens when we send tons of promotional emails from a new IP address, or what may happen. Therefore it is really important to warm up the email communication channel before we get into business. IPS warm up is the process of sending few emails in the beginning and increasing the number gradually using the same IP address. This is especially important from the perspective of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Nobody wants to come across as a spammer and we make sure you don’t.


Using domain names successfully for building a brand requires more than simply including a keyword and brand name in the domain. As digital marketing experts, our marketing and promotional responsibilities have risen above the realm of the plain old “SEO” (it doesn’t mean we don’t do it anymore, it means we’ve evolved with time). As we mentioned before, there was a time when SEO experts used to suggest, “The URL should be short, easy to remember and include the focus keywords”.

In the wake of recent evolution in the world of digital marketing, domain name structures have undergone tremendous transformation. We keep the evolving times in mind and bring something cool catchy and true to your business.


Any business that relies on massive data collection (which means all the companies in the world) needs to get rid of inaccurate, redundant, inconsistent and unneeded data. But before doing so, it’s also important to know whether you can clean the records and organize them, repair them in such a way that you can deduce some logical information from it. Data enrichment clean up and repair is very important to make sure your database is healthy and functional.

We assist many companies in formatting, classifying, modifying, restoring, organizing, deleting and correcting any inaccuracies and discrepancies in their data.

In a nutshell, we provide comprehensive data enrichment solutions. Our data clean up and repair services include:

  • Spotting duplicate records and removing them
  • Finding out extraneous, erroneous, imperfect, missing, unauthentic, invalid, distorted and/or obsolete data and removing it
  • Recommending new variables for data enrichment
  • Data auditing
  • Database cleaning
  • Adding missing important customer details
  • Ensuring the data is in accordance to industry standard files
  • Database enhancement
  • Categorizing similar records
  • Data matching and correlation
  • Multiple Data source interlinking and consolidation
  • Converting database into a CRM friendly format
  • Correcting incorrect values when available
  • Fix data discrepancies such spellings, abbreviations and typographical mistakes


In technical terms, a feedback loop is an inter-organizational form of feedback by which a Mailbox Provider (MP) forwards the complaints originating from their users to the sender's organizations. MPs can receive users' complaints by placing report spam buttons on their webmail pages, or in their email client, or via help desks. The message sender's organization, often an email service provider, has to come to an agreement with each MP from which they want to collect users' complaints. (Source: Wikipedia)

In simple terms, FBL lets you know if a particular receiver has marked your emails as spam. We make sure once a receiver has done it they, they don’t receive any further emails. This report also helps you to understand whether you need to change your email sending frequency or you need to tweak your emails to suit your clients better. But don’t worry; we’ll be doing it for you.


When we have contacted a good number of potential leads, it’s high time to organize the data into different categories. This is called data clustering or grouping the data. Grouping makes data more efficient, time saving and stream lined.

Contact Us

Joining hands with one of the most experienced and professional digital marketing company like ours will set you up for an amazing online presence. Doing business with us will open your gates to so many potential benefits that you will feel more relaxed than ever before. All your digital marketing, promotion and advertising needs will be taken care of. All you need to do is to focus on your organization’s other aspects, like operations and HR management. Our all-inclusive digital marketing skills that will help you reach a broader spectrum of good quality leads.

Needless to say, managing and executing digital marketing and many other inter related jobs can get mountainous for many. So just call us at phone number today and we’d love to discuss how we can help you broaden your horizons of success. You can also reach us at: sales@emarket-network.com


Or you can fill this short form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP, and that’s a promise.
